torsdag den 17. november 2011


The Christmas-tiding brings a lot of good things, it’s a magical time that brings families together and makes them cozy up in front of the fire. But unfortunately for us the Christmas time brings one more thing... commercials and a lot of them – are you kidding me!
Just because the earth is finishing it’s rotation around the sun, and the year is coming to a natural end, does not give the companies the right to rape my mailbox!
I heard that the second most published book, after the bible, is the Ikea-catalog – Are you kidding me! I seriously think we should find the guy that thinks the Ikea-catalog should be a book and have him committed to a mental institution – It’s properly a Swede!
In the old days Christmas meant that the snow lay as tall as mountains, so everybody would be snowed in while the family cozied up in front of the fire Christmas Eve, at least that’s what grandpa use to say. First, I’ve never understood why grandpa thought snowing is cozy, and thank God global warming is taking care of that.
But I really do think that the increase of the commerciality on Christmas is destroying that warm fuzzy feeling of the holidays. So why isn’t it illegal to promote Christmas shopping, especially at the start of October?! – That way Christmas would still be special!
What happened to Christmas as we knew it? You know that white powder covering the streets, light bulbs covering the rooftops, people singing happily, Santa in a red outfit doing his ho ho ho – You know like we see in the Coke Cola commercial!
That being said I wish everybody happy holidays! ;)
Until next time

fredag den 3. december 2010

Global Warming

In Scandinavia it’s snowing and real real cold. It's worse than we've seen in many years, and I think this would be a good time to touch the subject of Global Warming.

I've gotta admit, right now global warming seems like a... very good idea. It’s ridiculously  cold, so call me an ass, but right now some warmer weather doesn’t seam like a bad idea in my head. If you ask me, the problem is that it's just not news anymore – And that's a problem the hippies regular try to fix... Thanks a lot Al Core on that by the way.
Now I know it’s a very serious problem, that we are killing the planet in a rate that makes ‘Friends’ look like fun hour. Now you can call me weird, but somehow a possible war between North and South Korea just seems a bit more important to me right now.
We can all agree there is a problem, but we also to agree on a solution. And to quote a sage “We don’t know enough about what we’re dealing with, to make any kind of intelligent decision.”
There are a lot of ideas on what to do, but we need one clear direction. Because people, this is our planet, we get one chance on it, and only one chance to save it.
We should find one primary plan and several back-up plans to make sure the direction we’ve chosen, is the right direction into the future.
Because I want my kids, and my children's kids, to wake up in the world of tomorrow and not fear the high point of the summer, the low point of the winter or the crashing tide of the rising waters in the world. Now we are all made up of bricks from the past; And I propose that in honor of those who came before us an in love for those who come after us, let us do what's right for our planet, let us build a safe foundation for the future!
Until next time

fredag den 26. november 2010

My Disclaimer

Disclaimer, for those playing the "home game", is a notice to makes sure noone can sue the product holder if they don’t like the product. And for some reason; you cannot pop in a DVD with out a disclaimer coming up. Same goes for games, cd’s and various graphic websites – Or at least that’s what I'm told. It actually made me think if I should have a disclaimer. In Europe it’s rumored, that Americans on their microwaves have a picture of a cat (not to put in the microwave) and on that note I have one question; How does one nuke a cat?
I was on a plane recently looking out over the wing. I suddenly notice a picture signaling not to stand on the wing during take off. Why would you even put a disclaimer there? I mean there's a problem in suing for the person who stood on the wing while flying... Like he doesn't tend to be there when the plane lands again! Same goes for every time you open an email account, YouTube, Facebook and so on, you have to agree to their policies before entering - I just gotta ask; Have anybody, ever read those from beginning to end?
A great example of a good use of disclaimer, is the South Park creators. They openly say they're bad, and that their show shouldn’t be watched by anybody – It’s gotta be cool to have so much confidence in your product, that you're actually telling people not to watch it! I think one of the reasons I stopped understanding disclaimers is because I’m from Denmark in Scandinavia. Now, I’ve been to the US, and I’ve been several places in Europe, and the Americans win by miles on that scale.
Recently Danish Intelligence upped the terror threat level. Not because Denmark is powerful, not because Denmark has WMDs, but because Danes are good at drawing! - Is that something we should have a disclaimer sticker on?
So the bottom-line is: I think I should have a disclaimer, so here goes... This blog is not intended for children, people with blood pressure or any kind of compulsive disorder. If you accidentally find yourself incapable of clicking away from this site or closing your eyes please do not blame the writer. It is solely society’s fault. The writer will take no responsibility for bad dreams, laughing cramps, crying children or crazy ideas that may or may not be inspired by this blog.
Until next time

onsdag den 17. november 2010

Freedom of Speech

I gotta admit, I’ve often thought about blogging – But where to start...? So I look at other blogs and I found one thing they all have in common, and people who blog always seem to wanna say something. Freedom of speech is wonderful. To paint with words, is an amazingly beautiful thing – Unless if you're Danish it can be kinda problematic.

But as mentioned, it seems like those who blog, all have something on there hearts. Which made me think; Do I have something to say...? No. But then again, I do have things to write that doesn't necessarily fit into a book or a movie script.
So I think I'm gonna try. I'm gonna try writing something seriously, something fun, and then I'm gonna try to write from the heart. Hopefully people will find it amusing, and not so much worth burning flags over.

That being said, I have some creative ideas, but if anybody have something they think I should write about, please feel free to leave a comment, and I’ll see if I can come up with something creative on the subject.

Until next time